如何在Android TV上侧面加载应用
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Android TV is an excellent product for anyone who wants to expand their current living room setup—it makes easy work of streaming most content, has a slew of games (that are actually worth playing), and is relatively inexpensive. But what happens when an app you want on your TV isn’t available for your device?

对于想要扩展其当前客厅设置的任何人来说,Android TV都是一款出色的产品-它使流式传输大多数内容的工作变得容易,具有大量的游戏(实际上值得玩),而且价格相对便宜。 但是,如果您无法在电视上使用想要的应用程序,该怎么办?

  1. Go to Settings > Security & Restrictions

  2. Toggle the “Unknown Sources” setting to on

  3. Install ES File Explorer from the Play Store

    从Play商店安装ES File Explorer
  4. Use ES File Explorer to sideload APK files

    使用ES File Explorer旁载APK文件

When that happens, “sideloading” is the answer. Sideloading is the act of manually installing an application that isn’t available through the normal channels, like the Google Play Store. It’s , but a little more complicated on Android TV.

当发生这种情况时,“侧载”便是答案。 旁载是手动安装无法通过正常渠道(例如Google Play商店)获得的应用程序的操作。 ,这 ,但在Android TV上却要复杂得多。

The first step of the process is the same: you have to allow the system to accept app installs from outside of the Play Store. To do this, head into the Settings menu. There’s a cog icon in the very bottom row on Android TV—click that little guy.

该过程的第一步是相同的:您必须允许系统接受来自Play商店外部的应用安装。 为此,请进入“设置”菜单。 Android TV的最底行有一个齿轮图标-单击该小家伙。


In Settings, scroll down till you see “Security & restrictions.” It’s worth noting that my screenshots may look a little different than yours, since I’m using a Nexus Player running Android 7.0 for this tutorial. The process is still the same, though.

在“设置”中,向下滚动,直到看到“安全和限制”。 值得注意的是,由于本教程使用的是运行Android 7.0的Nexus Player,因此我的屏幕快照可能与您的屏幕快照有些不同。 但是,过程仍然相同。


In the Security menu, you’re going to toggle “Unknown sources” on. When you hit the toggle, a warning will show—accept that and you’re on your way.

在“安全性”菜单中,您将打开“未知来源”。 当您按下切换开关时,将显示警告-接受该警告,您就在路上。


With that out of the way, you’re ready to sideload some stuff…mostly.


There are two ways to get apps sideloaded onto your Android TV unit: through , and over the cloud. If you don’t already have ADB set up and installed on your PC, then the cloud method will be much easierWe’ll cover both here, though.

有两种方法可以将应用程序侧载到Android TV单元上:通过和通过云。 如果您尚未在PC上安装和安装ADB,那么使用云方法会容易得多 不过,我们将在此处进行介绍。

For this example, I’ll be installing Chrome Beta on my Android TV. This assumes you already have the APK file for the app you want to install. If you’re looking for a good source for downloading APKs, I recommend —it’s a completely trustworthy and legitimate hosting site for non-paid Play Store apps. No pirating here!

对于此示例,我将在Android TV上安装Chrome Beta。 假设您已经拥有要安装的应用程序的APK文件。 如果您正在寻找下载APK的良好来源,我建议您使用它是非付费Play商店应用程序的完全值得信赖的合法托管网站。 这里没有盗版!

如何从云侧加载应用程序 (How to Sideload Apps from the Cloud)

If you already have ADB set up on your computer, I recommend skipping to the next section. If you aren’t comfortable with the command line, however, using a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive is easier—though still a bit exhausting to set up.

如果您已经在计算机上设置了ADB,建议您跳到下一部分。 但是,如果您对命令行不满意,则使用Dropbox或Google Drive之类的云存储服务会更容易-尽管设置起来有些累。

I recommend having a for this method, because typing with a remote or game controller can be a huge pain. If you don’t have a Bluetooth keyboard handy, well…get ready to take some time typing with your remote.

我建议您将使用此方法,因为使用遥控器或游戏控制器打字可能会非常麻烦。 如果您没有蓝牙键盘,请准备好花些时间用遥控器打字。

The first thing you’ll want to do is go to the Play Store on your Android TV and install . Now, let me make something clear right now: on phones and tablets, ES File Explorer isn’t something I’d normally recommend. It used to be a reliable file manager that was one of the most valuable Android apps, but recently it became riddled with ads—many of which are highly intrusive—leading many users to uninstall it and websites to remove it from their “must have” lists. Fortunately, the Android TV app seems to have gone largely untouched by this, sol I still feel comfortable and confident recommending it for the purpose of this tutorial—it is, sadly, the best app for this trick, since the official Dropbox and Google Drive apps are not available on Android TV.

您要做的第一件事是转到Android TV上的Play商店并安装 。 现在,让我说清楚一点:在手机和平​​板电脑上,ES File Explorer通常不是我所建议的。 它曾经是可靠的文件管理器,曾经是最有价值的Android应用程序之一,但是最近它充满了广告-其中许多广告具有很高的侵入性-导致许多用户卸载它,并从网站上将其从“必须拥有”中删除列表。 幸运的是,Android TV应用程序似乎并未对此产生任何影响,我仍然感到安心并充满信心地出于本教程的目的推荐该应用程序-很遗憾,这是此技巧的最佳应用程序,因为官方的Dropbox和Google云端硬盘应用程序在Android TV上不可用。

First: download the APK file you want to install and save it in your Dropbox or Google Drive folder on your PC.


Then, on your Android TV, go ahead and fire up ES, then scroll down to the “Network” section. From there, select “Cloud.”

然后,在您的Android TV上,启动ES,然后向下滚动到“网络”部分。 从那里选择“云”。


Scroll over to the “New” button in the top right, then select the cloud service of your choice. I’m using Google Drive for this, mostly because I use Google Drive for everything. Aside from logging in, the rest of the process should be largely the same regardless of which service you use.

滚动到右上角的“新建”按钮,然后选择所需的云服务。 我为此使用Google云端硬盘,主要是因为我对所有内容都使用Google云端硬盘。 除了登录之外,其余过程应该与您使用的是哪种服务基本相同。


Once you’re all logged in (this is where the keyboard comes in handy, by the way), your cloud storage will show up in ES. Select it to mount the folder.

一旦您全部登录(顺便说一下,这就是使用键盘的方便位置),您的云存储将显示在ES中。 选择它以安装文件夹。


Find the location of your stored APK file, then select it to start the download. Once it’s finished, the installation dialog will appear. Select “install” to start the process.

找到您存储的APK文件的位置,然后选择它以开始下载。 完成后,将出现安装对话框。 选择“安装”开始该过程。


The Android installation dialog glitched on my Nexus Player, but the one button I needed to move forward was still visible here: “Install.” Click that to finish the process.

我的Nexus Player上的Android安装对话框出现故障,但我仍需要前进的一个按钮仍在此处显示:“安装”。 单击以完成该过程。


That’s, that—your app is now installed on your Android TV unit.

也就是说,您的应用程序现在已安装在Android TV装置上。


如何通过ADB加载应用 (How to Sideload Apps Over ADB)

If you have ADB set up on your computer (or you’re willing to get your hands a bit dirtier with the command line), this alternative method is great—and personally my preferred method. First, make sure you have .

如果您在计算机上设置了ADB(或者您愿意在命令行上使用ADB会比较麻烦),那么这种替代方法非常有用-也是我个人的首选方法。 首先,请确保 。

Then, you’ll need to enable developer options on your Android TV unit. You can do this by heading into the Settings menu, then scrolling to “About.”

然后,您需要在Android TV单元上启用开发人员选项。 您可以通过进入“设置”菜单,然后滚动到“关于”来完成此操作。


At the bottom of the About menu, find “Build” and highlight it, then click on it several times. You’ll see a toast notification telling you how many clicks are left to enable Developer Mode.

在“关于”菜单的底部,找到“构建”并突出显示它,然后单击几次。 您会看到一条祝酒通知,告诉您要启用“开发人员模式”还需点击几下。


Back in the root Settings menu, a new entry titled “Developer Options” will be available in the “Preferences” section. Scroll down and head in there.

返回根设置菜单,在“首选项”部分将提供一个名为“开发人员选项”的新条目。 向下滚动并进入那里。


Now, scroll down to “USB Debugging” and enable it. Again, you’ll see a warning—just accept that. Done.

现在,向下滚动到“ USB Debugging”并启用它。 同样,您会看到一个警告-接受它即可。 做完了


Next, connect your Android TV box to your PC with a USB cable. Navigate to the folder where the APK you’d like to install is saved. In that folder, Shift+right click on an empty space and choose “Open command window here.”

接下来,使用USB电缆将Android电视盒连接到PC。 导航到要安装APK的文件夹。 在该文件夹中,按住Shift键并右键单击空白处,然后选择“在此处打开命令窗口”。


When the command window opens, make sure your ATV box is connected by typing the following and pressing Enter:


adb devices

Assuming it shows up as “device,” you’re good to go. If not, you may need to . Alternatively, if it shows up as “unauthorized,” you just need to approve the debugging connection on your Android TV box.

假设它显示为“设备”,那就很好了。 如果没有,您可能需要对 。 或者,如果显示为“未经授权”,则只需要批准Android TV盒上的调试连接即可。

Once it’s connected and showing with “device” status on your PC, use the following command to install the APK:


adb install apkname.apk

I oftentimes rename my APKs to make it easier to type, which is exactly what I did in this case. It should take a few seconds to install the APK, and you’ll receive a “success” dialog in the command window once it’s finished. That’s that.

我经常重命名我的APK,以使其更容易键入,这正是我在这种情况下所做的。 安装APK需要花费几秒钟的时间,安装完成后,您将在命令窗口中收到一个“成功”对话框。 就是这样。


如何启动侧载应用 (How to Launch Sideloaded Apps)

Unlike on Android phones or tablets, sideloaded app will not show up in the launcher. If they’re unsupported, they’re just that: unsupported. There are two ways to launch these apps: you could go to Settings > Apps  and find the app you want to run, then select it and choose “Open,” or you could just use a simple app called “.” Seems like a no-brainer to me.

与Android手机或平板电脑不同,侧面加载的应用程序不会显示在启动器中。 如果不支持它们,那就就是:不支持。 启动这些应用程序的方法有两种:您可以转到“设置”>“应用程序”,找到要运行的应用程序,然后选择它并选择“打开”,或者您可以仅使用一个名为“ ”的简单应用程序。 对我来说似乎很容易。


Once Sideload Launcher is installed, just run it to show a list of all currently installed apps—both sideloaded and from the Play Store.

一旦安装了Sideload Launcher,就可以运行它以显示所有当前安装的应用程序的列表(包括侧面加载的和Play商店中的应用程序)。


And there you go.




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